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10 Greatest Failed U.S. Auto CompaniesNothing lasts forever. Today we have Detroit’s Big Three, but in the early days of the car industry there were thousands of different manufacturers that eventually went broke, merged, collapsed, or disappeared. Here are 10 worth remembering.

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Auto Repair and Maintenance Estimates | Auto Shop and Mechanic Ratings : RepairPal”A well informed customer is a happier customer because they understand their own needs better” – Jim Dykstra, Dykstra’s Auto Service Hudsonville, MI


http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/1c2b007e-6eb6-11e1-afb8-00144feab49a.html?ftcamp=published_links/rss/world_us/feed//product #axzz1pEF4A2j3Oil prices fall on talk of reserves releases – FT.comOil prices fell sharply on Thursday after Reuters news agency reported that the US and the UK were working on a deal to release their strategic petroleum reserves. ICE April Brent fell to a session’s low of $120.97 a barrel, the lowest level in two